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Resolved Z43.6

This is a confusing one since it is an encounter code, that being said the main term you want to look up is Attention, then you will go to the sub-term of Artificial, under artificial the indentation of opening. Under opening there will be a list and you look for Urinary tract and then you can choose Urinary tract NEC (Z43.6), and then under that there is a list of types of ostomies such as, cystostomy (this is Z43.5), nephrostomy, ureterostomy, and urethrostomy which are all Z43.6. Hope this helps.
This is a confusing one since it is an encounter code, that being said the main term you want to look up is Attention, then you will go to the sub-term of Artificial, under artificial the indentation of opening. Under opening there will be a list and you look for Urinary tract and then you can choose Urinary tract NEC (Z43.6), and then under that there is a list of types of ostomies such as, cystostomy (this is Z43.5), nephrostomy, ureterostomy, and urethrostomy which are all Z43.6. Hope this helps.
Thank you so much Gerard. this really does help.