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News C25.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Body of Pancreas


Lead SME, Adjunct Instructor
Staff member
Pancreatic cancer is often called a "silent killer" because it rarely causes symptoms in its early stages when it would be most treatable. As a result, it is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage with poor prognosis. But new research reported in Communications Medicine brings hope for earlier detection and improved survival rates.

Scientists have developed a blood test that can detect pancreatic cancer by analyzing extracellular vesicles (EVs) - tiny particles that circulate in the bloodstream and contain markers of cancer tumors. Using innovative technology and computational tools, researchers were able to identify specific EV markers that can distinguish people with early-stage pancreatic cancer from healthy individuals.

This first-of-its-kind blood test could allow general practitioners to screen for pancreatic cancer in routine exams. It could also help oncologists select the most effective treatments for patients. By enabling earlier diagnosis, the new test has potential to significantly improve pancreatic cancer survival rates.

The promising research was published by Hinestrosa et al. (2023) in Communications Medicine. Further details can be found in the original study. This non-invasive blood test could be a game-changer in detecting deadly pancreatic cancer earlier and boosting survival outcomes. More research is still needed, but it offers new hope in the fight against this devastating disease.