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Resolved Does 55866 include Lymphadenectomy


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BHAT® Cave
Hi all ,
Doe 55866 include a lymphadenectomy ? The patient went for a robotic prostatectomy and 3 lymph nodes were removed for sampling to use as biopsy for possible metastasis.
It does not include the taking of lymph nodes. Here is a description of the procedure and I double checked with CPT Assistant to confirm there were no changes:
Laparoscopic prostatectomy may be performed using either a transperitoneal or extraperitoneal approach. If a transperitoneal approach is used, a periumbilical incision is made for the initial laparoscopic port. Pneumoperitoneum is established. A conventional or robotic laparoscope is then inserted through the infraumbilical port into the peritoneum and the abdomen is inspected. Additional portal incisions are made for introduction of surgical instruments. An incision is made in the peritoneal fold between the rectum and bladder and the seminal vesicles are dissected and then retracted to allow exposure of Denonvilliers aponeurosis. The aponeurosis is incised and dissection continues to the rectourethral muscle, separating the prostate from the rectum. The peritoneum is incised and the space of Retzius is entered, resulting in the bladder falling posteriorly. The endopelvic fascia is incised and the levator muscle is pushed out of the way so that the prostate gland can be resected. The dorsal vein is ligated. The bladder neck is incised. The lateral pedicles are dissected. The urethra is transected and the prostate is removed along with the seminal vesicles. The urethra is re-anastomosed to the bladder neck. A drain is placed; the laparoscope and surgical instruments are removed; and portal incisions are closed. If an extraperitoneal approach is used, a small incision is made, the preperitoneum is insufflated, and the space of Retzius is developed using blunt dissection until the pubic symphysis is reached. The retropubic space is then further developed by placing a port in the midline above the symphysis and extraperitoneal robotic instruments through additional right and left ports. The procedure then continues as described above.