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Resource Be a Leader

I think this write-up will speak to any person in their role today – if they manage their own work – You are a manager.

A Supportive and Inspiring Leader/Manager -
An effective leader is critical to making a high-performing team. Leaders of the high-performing team(s) will inspire the team constantly instead of controlling team behavior. Communication is a leader’s strength. A leader should regularly communicate with the team about the goals and direction of the organization, challenge the team to question the status “quo”, set ambitious goals, provide opportunities for growth, and always be available for any kind of support the team may require.
The leader shows complete faith in the team.
Strong and effective leadership instills a sense of ownership and accountability in the team by giving them autonomy to make their own decisions while remaining within the boundaries of the organization's values. Autonomy comes with responsibility.
High-performing teams are ready to complete responsibility for failures without looking for excuses. They treat success and failures as “our success, our failures,” not as “my success, your failure.”
An organization's success is no longer solely dependent on its management and leaders. The organization needs teams that can respond quickly to challenges and be able to embrace constantly shifting expectations. This is where the value of high-performing teams is realized.
Management and leadership must realize the factors that contribute to making high-performing teams. Their language, behavior, and support, and actions go a long way toward creating and sustain a culture of high-performing teams. The reward is the team that consistently brings out the best in people.

BY Samantha Salgado