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Terminology Anastomosis

Word of the Week Anastomosis.jpg

Traditional Open Procedure
4412Ø Enterectomy, resection of small intestine; single resection and anastomosis
44121 Enterectomy, resection of small intestine; each additional resection and anastomosis (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
44125 Enterectomy, resection of small intestine; with enterostomy
44126 Enterectomy, resection of small intestine for congenital atresia, single resection and anastomosis of proximal segment of intestine; without tapering
44127 Enterectomy, resection of small intestine for congenital atresia, single resection and anastomosis of proximal segment of intestine; with tapering
44128 Enterectomy, resection of small intestine for congenital atresia, single resection and anastomosis of proximal segment of intestine; each additional resection and anastomosis (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
4413Ø Enteroenterostomy, anastomosis of intestine, with or without cutaneous enterostomy (separate procedure)
4414 Colectomy, partial: with skin level cecostomy or colostomy
44139 Mobilization (take-down) of splenic flexure performed in conjunction with partial colectomy (List separately in
addition to primary procedure)
4414Ø Colectomy, partial; with anastomosis
44141 Colectomy, partial; with skin level cecostomy or colostomy
44143 Colectomy, partial; with end colostomy and closure of distal segment (Hartmann type procedure)
44144 Colectomy, partial; with resection, with colostomy or ileostomy and creation of mucofistula
44145 Colectomy, partial; with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis)
44146 Colectomy, partial; with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis), with colostomy
44147 Colectomy, partial; abdominal and transanal approach
4415Ø Colectomy, total, abdominal, without proctectomy; with ileostomy or ileoproctostomy
44151 Colectomy, total, abdominal, without proctectomy; with continent ileostomy
44155 Colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy; with ileostomy
44156 Colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy; with continent ileostomy
44157 Colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy; with ileoanal anastomosis, includes loop ileostomy, and rectal
mucosectomy, when performed
44158 Colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy; with ileoanal anastomosis, creation of ileal reservoir (S or J),
includes loop ileostomy, and rectal mucosectomy, when performed
4416Ø Colectomy, partial, with removal of terminal ileum with ileocolostomy
4431Ø Ileostomy or jejunostomy, non-tube
4432Ø Colostomy or skin level cecostomy
44322 Colostomy or skin level cecostomy; with multiple biopsies (eg, for congenital megacolon) (separate
446Ø4 Suture of large intestine (colorrhaphy) for perforated ulcer, diverticulum, wound, injury or rupture (single or multiple perforations); without colostomy
446Ø5 Suture of large intestine (colorrhaphy) for perforated ulcer, diverticulum, wound, injury or rupture (single or multiple perforations); with colostomy
4462Ø Closure of enterostomy, large or small intestine
44625 Closure of enterostomy, large or small intestine; with resection and anastomosis other than colorectal
44626 Closure of enterostomy, large or small intestine; with resection and colorectal anastomosis (eg, closure of Hartmann type procedure)
45111 Proctectomy; partial resection of rectum, transabdominal approach
45112 Proctectomy, combined abdominoperineal, pull-through procedure (eg, colo-anal anastomosis)
45113 Proctectomy, partial, with rectal mucosectomy, ileoanal anastomosis, creation of ileal reservoir (S or J), with or without loop ileostomy
45114 Proctectomy, partial, with anastomosis; abdominal and transsacral approach
45116 Proctectomy, partial, with anastomosis; transsacral approach only (Kraske type)
45119 Proctectomy, combined abdominoperineal pull-through procedure (eg, colo-anal anastomosis), with creation of colonic reservoir (eg, J-pouch), with diverting enterostomy when performed
4512Ø Proctectomy, complete (for congenital megacolon), abdominal and perineal approach; with pull-through procedure and anastomosis (eg, Swenson, Duhamel, or Soave type operation)
45121 Proctectomy, complete (for congenital megacolon), abdominal and perineal approach; with subtotal or total colectomy, with multiple biopsies
4513Ø Excision of rectal procidentia, with anastomosis; perineal approach
45135 Excision of rectal procidentia, with anastomosis; abdominal and perineal approach
458ØØ Closure of rectovesical fistula;
458Ø5 Closure of rectovesical fistula; with colostomy
4582Ø Closure of rectourethral fistula;
45825 Closure of rectourethral fistula; with colostomy

Laparoscopic Procedure
44187 Laparoscopy, surgical; ileostomy or jejunostomy, non-tube
44188 Laparoscopy, surgical, colostomy or skin level cecostomy
442Ø2 Laparoscopy, surgical; enterectomy, resection of small intestine, single resection and anastomosis
442Ø3 Laparoscopy, surgical; each additional small intestine resection and anastomosis (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
442Ø4 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with anastomosis
442Ø5 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with removal of terminal ileum with ileocolostomy
442Ø6 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with end colostomy and closure of distal segment (Hartmann type procedure)
442Ø7 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with anastomosis, with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis)
442Ø8 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, partial, with anastomosis, with coloproctostomy (low pelvic anastomosis) with colostomy
4421Ø Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, total, abdominal, without proctectomy, with ileostomy or ileoproctostomy
44211 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy, with ileoanal anastomosis, creation of ileal reservoir (S or J), with loop ileostomy, includes rectal mucosectomy, when performed 44212 Laparoscopy, surgical; colectomy, total, abdominal, with proctectomy, with ileostomy
44213 Laparoscopy, surgical, mobilization (take-down) of splenic flexure performed in conjunction with partial colectomy (List separately in addition to primary procedure)
44227 Laparoscopy, surgical, closure of enterostomy, large or small intestine, with resection and anastomosis
45395 Laparoscopy, surgical; proctectomy, complete, combined abdominoperineal, with colostomy 45397 Laparoscopy, surgical; proctectomy, combined abdominoperineal pull-through procedure (eg, colo-anal anastomosis), with creation of colonic reservoir (eg, J-pouch), with diverting enterostomy, when performed

329 Major Small and Large Bowel Procedures with MCC 13.5
33Ø Major Small and Large Bowel Procedures with CC 7.5
331 Major Small and Large Bowel Procedures without CC/MCC 4.3
619 O.R. Procedures for Obesity with MCC 5.6
62Ø O.R. Procedures for Obesity with CC 2.6
621 O.R. Procedures for Obesity without CC/MCC
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