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  1. ChristinA_85188

    Resolved Ahhh! Dual coding with ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS

    I am in a Coding III class at a university currently. I have successfully learned the basics of CM and PCS. I am very good with PCS and know my way around a bit with CM. We started doing case studies where you code for both and I don't know why I am struggling so hard. Has anyone else run into...
  2. CCO_Bot

    Resolved CVA with Late effects ICD 10

    Question: JoJuan: Hello- I have a question regarding sequelae of CVA for ICD 10. I have some coders that are picking up late effect of CVA using I69.3 as the fourth digit and others using I69.9. I noticed that I69.3 is specifying cerebral infarction (stroke) and I69.9 is unspecified...
  3. CCO_Bot

    Resolved When to use Z code for long-term use of meds in ICD-10-CM?

    Question: Cherie Barth: Can you please explain when a medication should be Z-coded for long-term use? I cannot find any clear guidelines on when we would document l/t use of aspirin vs. meds for HTN, COPD, etc. Is there a length of time that should pass before a medicine qualifies as "long...